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Savings Rates

Rates are effective as of 3/18/2025. Rates are subject to change without notice. APY = Annual Percentage Yield

Account TypeCompounding MethodAPY
Regular Shares
$0.00 – $499.99Monthly0.00%
$500.00 – $2,499.99Monthly0.05%
$2,500 – $9,999.99Monthly0.05%
$10,000 – $24,999.99Monthly0.10%
$25,000 and greaterMonthly0.15%
IRA Savings (All Types)**
$250.00 – $499.99Monthly0.00%
$500.00 – $2,499.99Monthly0.05%
$2,500 – $9,999.99Monthly0.05%
$10,000 – $24,999.99Monthly0.10%
$25,000 and greaterMonthly0.15%
Vacation SharesMonthly0.00%
Bond SharesMonthly0.00%
Christmas SharesMonthly0.05%

Certificate Rates

Rates are effective as of 3/18/2025. Rates are subject to change without notice. APY = Annual Percentage Yield

3 months*4.05%
6 months*4.10%
9 months*No Penalty1.00%
12 months*IRA Certificates available4.00%
18 months*IRA Certificates available4.00%
24 months*IRA Certificates available4.15%
36 months*IRA Certificates available4.00%
48 months*IRA Certificates available4.00%
60 months*IRA Certificates available4.00%

* Share Certificates require a minimum opening deposit of $500.00
** IRA Certificates require a minimum opening deposit of $250.00
A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.

Accounts requiring a minimum balance or purchase minimum amount must maintain the stated dollar amounts to earn the advertised APY.
Fees could reduce earnings on certain accounts.

Top Tier Federal Credit Union 2025