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Loan Rates

All posted loan rates (excluding shared secured) include a 1/4 (.25%) discount for automatic deduction of the payment from a Top Tier Federal Credit Union deposit account. All rates are effective as of 3/01/2025. Other rates and terms available. Rates shown are for qualified borrowers and are subject to change without notice.

Vehicle Loan Rates – 6 Month Introductory Rate of 1.99%APR*

New Auto (2025 / untitled 2024)Up to 72 monthsas low as 5.74%
New Auto (2025 / untitled 2024)Up to 60 monthsas low as 5.74%
Used Auto (2024 to 2022)Up to 72 monthsas low as 5.74%
Used Auto (2021 to 2019)Up to 60 monthsas low as 5.74%
Used Auto (2018 to 2014)**Up to 48 monthsas low as 7.79%
Motorcycle Loan Rates and Terms available. Must be street licensed.

*APR= Annual percentage rate. 1.99% APR applies for first 6 months of the loan. Following introductory period, APR will change to the approved rate, which could be as low as 5.74% APR. Requires 0% down payment. This does not apply to current loans financed at Top Tier FCU.

**Introductory Rate does not apply to Used Autos (2018 to 2014).

Recreational Vehicle Loan Rates

New Side x Side (2025 – 2022)Up to 60 monthsas low as 7.24%
Used Side x Side (2021 & older)Up to 48 monthsas low as 7.49%
New Camper / Boat / OtherUp to 60 monthsas low as 11.74%
Used Camper / Boat / OtherUp to 48 monthsas low as 12.24%

Home Equity Loan Rates – 6 Month Introductory Rate of 1.99%APR*

DescriptionTerm APR*
5 Year Home Equity Loan60 monthsas low as 5.99%
10 Year Home Equity Loan120 monthsas low as 6.74%
15 Year Home Equity Loan180 monthsas low as 6.99%

APR* = Annual percentage rate. 1.99% APR applies for first 6 months of the loan. Following introductory period, APR will change to the approved  rate, which could be as low as 5.99% APR. Maximum 80% LTV. A sample payment based on $25,000 at 5.99% APR including the introductory 6-onth rate of 1.99% APR for a 5 year (60 month) repayment is $475.00. A sample payment based on $25,000 at 6.74% APR*,  including the introductory rate of 1.99% APR, for a ten year (120 month) repayment is $281.00. A sample payment based on $25,000 at 6.99% APR*, including the introductory rate of 1.99% APR, for a fifteen year (180 month) repayment is $220.00. This does not apply to current loans financed at Top Tier FCU.

Other Loan Rates

Share Secured7.00% (Auto deduction rate discount does not apply)
PersonalUp to 60 monthsas low as 11.24%

*APR = ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE you receive for the above sub accounts will be within the range disclosed above and is based on certain credit-worthiness criteria. Ask the Credit Union for your qualifying rate.
Collection Costs: You agree to pay all costs of collecting the amount you owe under this Agreement, including court costs and reasonable attorney fees.
Filing Fees: If you give a security interest in certain types of property, we may charge you a filing fee to perfect our interest in the property. If so, the amount of the fee will be disclosed to you at the time you obtain an advance.

Top Tier Federal Credit Union 2025